Sunday, October 14, 2007

Prepare to Reap the Whirlwind!

I'm writing this covered in lube oil. That's right, the bike is tuned up and ready to go. I'm going to use this space to document my daily cycle to and from the train station. But this will be more than a mere training log. It will be a journal to capture my quest to conquer the half-mile down-hill ride to the Metro-North Railroad and the accompanying triumph of the human spirit.

Because of the magnitude of this endeavor I don't plan to do a round trip just yet. To do so would be to risk oblivion and possibly cramps. (I'll probably just have my dad pick me up in the Honda CR-V to bring me home.) But I will stare directly into the teeth of the beast that is a 20 percent grade downhill that leads the the traffic light and the treacherous flats beyond. I imagine it will look something like this:

May God have mercy on my soul.

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